In the event that you find errors in the address description or store hours for Foot Locker in Lima, OH, please use this form to report a problem. Help us keep the information as current as possible. When visiting Foot Locker, please be sure to take a look at the additional fine stores at Lima Mall. To get added details about holiday working times for Foot Locker Lima, OH, visit the official website or call the direct contact number at 4193310693.
For the whole of 2023 these exceptions involve Xmas, New Year's, Easter Monday or Veterans Day. Please note: public holidays may result in alterations to the regular working hours for Foot Locker in Lima, OH. There is presently 1 Foot Locker branch open in Lima, Ohio.įor all Foot Locker locations near Lima, navigate to the following link. Nearby you might discover Tamarac Golf Course, softball diamond, Indoor Athletic Complex, University of Northwestern Ohio, Lima Baptist Temple, Lima Community Church, Westwood Elementary School, First Baptist Church and Baxter Park. The store is merely a 1 minute drive time from Edgewood Drive, Baton Rouge Avenue or Hartzler Road a 4 minute drive from North Jameson Avenue, Allentown Road or West North Street or a 12 minute drive time from Delphos Avenue or West Grand Avenue.įor GPS navigator systems the exact address is 2400 Elida Road, Lima, OH 45805. You can visit Foot Locker in the vicinity of the intersection of North Cable Road and Elida Road, in Lima, Ohio, at Lima Mall.